Financial Plan, Flexi Fund, Investing, Investment, Metrobank, Metrobank Online Payment, Newbie Investor, OFW, OFW Investment, SBR, SSS, SSS Online Portal, Treasury bill
Yesterday, when I was browsing SSS Website, I came to know about the SSS Flexi Fund. Here is an idea about the Fund.
The SSS Flexi-fund is a voluntary provident fund for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). It is an additional of the SSS on top of its regular OFW membership. The program gives OFWs the opportunity to set aside part of their earnings abroad and maximize the return on their Flexi-fund contributions, thus providing good security for their future.
SSS Flexi-fund is a risk free investment that is being invested in government securities, with Interest earnings are computed based on the average 91-day Treasury bill rate, thus ensuring a transparent, high yield and risk-free investment of members’ hard-earned income abroad.

It’s a good time to invest through SSS flexi fund due to the fact that we recently have an investment Grade from Fitch.
SSS Flexi Fund, is any amount beyond Php 200 from the maximum monthly SSS payment. As of this time, the maximum payment or contribution for OCW Members is Php 1,560 monthly. So if you pay Php 2,000, the Php 440 will automatically go to SSS Flexi Fund, which could be withdrawn anytime, should you need money.
Here are the list of bank that could receive payments.
- Allied Bank
- Asiatrust Bank
- Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
- Equitable PCI Bank
- International Exchange Bank
- Land Bank of the Philippines
- Metrobank
- Philippine National Bank (PNB)
- Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC)
- Security Bank
- Luzon Brokerage Corporation (LBC)
According to the SSS website:
Interest under the SSS Flexi-fund is. . .
- Tax-free
- Based on prevailing 91-day Treasury bill rates, quoted on a per annum basis
- Subject to quarterly re-pricing, to make it more reflective of current market conditions
- Computed at actual date of payment of Flexi-fund contributions, and posted to individual accounts at the end of the month.
- Compounded monthly, such that earnings at the end of each month are taken into account in the computation and application of earnings in the succeeding months.
I am paying my SSS via Metrobank Online banking System. I have also accessed the SSS Online portal by using the “Host Server Number” that was provided by Metrobank upon online payment in replacement for the SBR number which is a requirement for accessing SSS Online Monitoring System.
Updates : At this time since the prevailing rate of T-Bill is only 0.4%, I am not recommending investing in SSS-Flexi Fund, however keeping your SSS payment up to date is I belived a necessity for every Filipino.