
Increase Your Giving
A pleasant day to all our readers, I Just want to give all of you some insights about investing and giving.
From the time I learn about Financial Literacy and Investing, I make it a point that I will NOT stop being generous to those who are in need. I believed that when I give, I am also investing, because this is what the bible teaches us. We need to understand that we don’t have to be ruled by money but instead we have to rule our finances. That is why giving is always in my formula.
Salary – Giving (Tithing) – Investment = Expenses
I want to share you what I have read from Rich God Poor God book of Ptr. Chinkee Tan;
Sixteen of the 38 parables deals with possession and money. The Bible has 500 verses both on prayer and faith but more than 2350 verses on money and possession. There are more than 2,350 verses on money and possession. there are more verses that relates to money and possession than heaven and hell combined.
So money must be important that is why it has been given emphasis in the bible. Lord want’s to warn us on not to be controlled by money.
I believe that even you have lot’s of investment and you know your action plan in investing but you fail an important thing which is to give, you will not succeed. I also believe that I need to start investing and get more sources of income so I could start giving more. Not only to my family but also to other people who will be in need.
I also believed that we are being blessed so that we can bless others. Whatever faith we have, I believe that giving is a general teaching that all people should adhere.
I also believe that poor people will have a hard time to give because they don’t have source to give, we can only give if we have something to give. Motivational speaker like Zig Ziglar, Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell and more also teaches that giving is important in our financial life.
Believe that everything on earth is from God as mention in Genesis 1:1, And Our God is able and willing to bless us more to increase our habit of giving.
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Picture Credit : stleodegarshunston.co.uk